发布日期 :01/01/2017 17:18:17 阅读次数:8196
论文/专著名称 | 刊物/出版社名称 | 卷、期、页/章节 | 作者 | 通讯作者 | 收录类型 |
1 λ × 1.44 Tb/s free-space IM-DD transmission employing OAM multiplexing and PDM | OPTICS EXPRESS | 22 Feb 2016 Vol. 24, No. 4 3967-3980 | Yixiao Zhu, Kaiheng Zou, Zhennan Zheng, and Fan Zhang * | 张帆 | SCI收录 |
5.4 Gbps real time quantum random number generator with simple implementation | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷:24期:24页:27475-27481出版年:NOV 28 2016 | Yang, J(Yang, Jie);Liu, JL(Liu, Jinlu);Su, Q(Su, Qi);Li, ZY(Li, Zhengyu);Fan, F(Fan, Fan);Xu, BJ(Xu, Bingjie);Guo, H(Guo, Hong) | SCI收录 | |
910nm femtosecond Nd-doped fiber laser for in vivo two-photon microscopic imaging | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 15 | 25 Jul 2016 p16544-16549 | B INGYING C HEN, T ONGXIAO J IANG, W EIJIAN Z ONG, L IANGYI C HEN,Z HIGANG Z HANG AND A IMIN W ANG | 王爱民 | SCI收录 |
A Dual-Hop Virtual MIMO Architecture Based on Hybrid Differential Spatial Modulation | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 卷:15期:9页:6356-6370出版年:SEP 2016 | M. Zhang, M. Wen, Xiang Cheng, and L. Yang | 程翔 | SCI收录 |
A Low-Complexity Scheme For Enlarging The Dynamic Range of the Open-Loop I-FOG | MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | Vol. 58, No. 3, March 2016 P498-02 | Jun Xie, Chuanchuan Yang, Qin Wang, Xinyue Wang, and Ziyu Wang | 杨川川 | SCI收录 |
A low-complexity sensor fusion algorithm based on a fiber-optic gyroscope aided camera pose estimation system | SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences | April 2016, Vol. 59 P 042412:1–042412:12 | Zhongwei Tan, Chuanchuan Yang, Yuliang Li, Yan Yan, Changhong He, Xinyue Wang and Ziyu Wang | 杨川川 | SCI收录 |
Adaptive Resource Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission over OFDMA Systems | Wireless Personal Communications | p79-98, June 27, 2016 | Yang Zan, Zhao Yuping | 赵玉萍 | SCI收录 |
All PM Fiber Laser Mode Locked With a Compact Phase Biased Amplifier Loop Mirror | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | VOL. 28, NO. 16, AUGUST 15, 2016 P1786-1789 | Tongxiao Jiang, Yifan Cui, Pei Lu, Chen Li, Aimin Wang, and Zhigang Zhang | 张志刚 | SCI收录 |
All-optical OXC transition strategy from WDM optical network to elastic optical network | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 4, P4076-4087, 22 Feb 2016 | Xin Chen,1 Juhao Li,1,* Bingli Guo,2 Paikun Zhu,1 Ruizhi Tang,1 Zhangyuan Chen,1 and Yongqi He1 | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
An Adaptive Filter for Aeromagnetic Compensation Based on Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis | IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS | 卷:13期:8页:1069-1073出版年:AUG 2016 | Dou, ZJ(Dou, Zhenjia)[1];Han, Q(Han, Qi)[1];Niu, XM(Niu, Xiamu)[1];Peng, X(Peng, Xiang)[2,3];Guo, H(Guo, Hong)[2,3] | SCI收录 | |
An Aeromagnetic Compensation Coefficient-Estimating Method Robust to Geomagnetic Gradient | IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS | 卷:13期:5页:611-615出版年:MAY 2016 | Dou, ZJ(Dou, Zhenjia)[1];Han, Q(Han, Qi)[1];Niu, XM(Niu, Xiamu)[1];Peng, X(Peng, Xiang)[2,3];Guo, H(Guo, Hong)[2,3] | SCI收录 | |
An all-fiber mode converter assisted by coiled-fiber long-period grating | Optics Communications | 卷:360页:15-19出版年:FEB 1 2016 | Fang Ren, Dawei Ge, Juhao Li, Zhengbin Li, Yongqi He and Zhangyuan Chen | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Analysis of excited-state Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter at 1529 nm | Optics Express | 卷:24期:13页:14925-14933出版年:JUN 27 2016 | Junyu Xiong,,Longfei Yin,Bin Luo,and Hong Guo | 郭弘 | SCI收录 |
Analytical Perspective of Interfering Resonances in High-Index-Contrast Periodic Photonic Structures | IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | VOL. 52, NO. 7, 6100109, JULY 2016 | Zhixin Wang, Hanxing Zhang, Liangfu Ni, Weiwei Hu, and Chao Peng | 胡薇薇 | SCI收录 |
Athermal and flat-topped silicon Mach-Zehnder filters | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 26 | 26 Dec 2016 P29577-29582 | Q INGZHONG D ENG , 1 L U L IU , 1 R UI Z HANG , 1 X INBAI L I , 1 J URGEN M ICHEL , AND Z HIPING Z HOU 1,* | 周治平 | SCI收录 |
Compact 517 MHz soliton mode-locked Er-doped fiber ring laser | Photon. Res | Vol. 4, No. 1 / February 2016 P27-29 | Jian Zhang, Ziyun Kong, Yizhou Liu, Aimin Wang, and Zhigang Zhang* | 张志刚 | SCI收录 |
Cooperation via Spectrum Sharing for Physical Layer Security in Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | vol. 15, no. 8,AUG 2016 pp. 5651-5663 | R. Zhang, Xiang Cheng, and L. Yang | 程翔 | SCI收录 |
Cost effective wavelength reused MDM system for bidirectional mobile fronthaul | Optics Express | Vol. 24, No. 20 3 Oct 2016 22413-22422 | Yuanxiang Chen | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Cross-Layer Protocol Design for CSMA/CD in Full-Duplex WiFi Networks | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS | 卷:20期:4页:792-795出版年:APR 2016 | Song, LW(Song, Liwei);Liao, Y(Liao, Yun);Bian, KG(Bian, Kaigui);Song, LY(Song, Lingyang);Han, Z(Han, Zhu) | 宋令阳 | SCI收录 |
Cs 728 nm excited state Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter with indirect pump | Physics Letters A | 卷:380期:25-26页:2150-2153出版年:JUN 3 2016 | Zhiming Tao a,b, Xiaogang Zhang a, Mo Chen a, Zhongzheng Liu a,Chuanwen Zhu a, Zhiwen Liu c, Jingbiao Chen a,? | 陈景标 | SCI收录 |
Demonstration of 400 Gb/s optical PDM-OFDM superchannel unrepeatered transmission by all optical phase-conjugated copy | Optics Communications | 卷:380页:326-330出版年:DEC 1 2016 | Yuanxiang Chen, Juhao Li*, Paikun Zhu, Zhongying Wu, Jingbiao Chen, Yongqi He,Zhangyuan Chen | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Demonstration of all-optical MDM/WDM switching for short-reach networks | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 19 Sep 2016 pp:21609-21618 | Z HONGYING W U,J UHAO L I,* D AWEI G E ,F ANG R EN,P AIKUN Z HU , Qi M O,Z HENGBIN L I,Z HANGYUAN C HEN,AND Y ONGQI H E | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Demonstration of Bidirectional PON Based on Mode Division Multiplexing | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | VOL. 28, NO. 11, JUNE 1, 2016 p1201-1204 | Tao Hu, Juhao Li, Member,IEEE, Fang Ren, Ruizhi Tang, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yili Ke, Cheng Du, Zhijian Liu,Yongqi He, Zhengbin Li, and Zhangyuan Chen | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Diode laser using narrow bandwidth interference filter at 852 nm and its application in Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter | CHINESE PHYSICS B | 卷:25期:8文献号:083201出版年:AUG 2016 | Zhaojie Jiang, Qi Zhou, Zhiming Tao , Xiaogang Zhang Shengnan Zhang, Chuanwen Zhu, Pingwei Lin, and Jingbiao Chen1 | 陈景标 | SCI收录 |
Dynamic Resource Allocation for Transmit Power Minimization in OFDM-Based NOMA Systems | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS | 卷:20期:12页:2558-2561出版年:DEC 2016 | Li, XN;Li, C;Jin, Y | 金野 | SCI收录 |
Energy efficient user association for cloud radio access networks | IEEE Access | Vol.4, Page.2429-2438,2016 | JunZuo,JunZhang,ChauYuen,WeiJiang,andWuLuo | 罗武 | EI收录 |
Erasure channel modelling-based secure bit allocation schemes for multipath routing in wireless sensor networks | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS | 卷:12期:12出版年:DEC 2016 | Yuan, ZH(Yuan, Zhenhua);Chen, C(Chen, Chen);Jin, Y(Jin, Ye) | 金野 | SCI收录 |
Experimental demonstration of multi-dimensional resources integration for service provisioning in cloud radio over fiber network | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 卷:6文献号:30678出版年:JUL 28 2016 | Yang, H(Yang, Hui);Zhang, J(Zhang, Jie);Ji, YF(Ji, Yuefeng);He, YQ(He, Yongqi);Lee, Y(Lee, Young) | SCI收录 | |
Faraday laser using 1.2 km fiber as an extended cavity | Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | 卷:49期:13文献号:13LT01出版年:JUL 14 2016 | Zhiming Tao1,2, Xiaogang Zhang1, Duo Pan1, Mo Chen1,Chuanwen Zhu1 and Jingbiao Chen1,3 | 陈景标 | SCI收录 |
Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in 32-Gbaud 16QAM Nyquist-WDM Systems | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | VOL. 34, NO. 9, P2182-2187, MAY 1, 2016 | Zhennan Zheng, Xin Lv, Fan Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, Dan Wang, Erkun Sun, Yixiao Zhu, Kaiheng Zou, and Zhangyuan Chen | 张帆 | SCI收录 |
High-sensitivity optical Faraday magnetometry with intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS | 卷:49,期:23,235503,DEC 14 2016 | Zhang, QL;Sun, H;Fan, SL;Guo, H | SCI收录 | |
HollowcathodelampbasedFaradayanomalous dispersion optical filter | Scientific Reports | 卷:6文献号:29882出版年:JUL 15 2016 | Duo Pan, Xiaobo Xue, Haosen Shang, Bin Luo, Jingbiao Chen & Hong Guo | 陈景标 | SCI收录 |
Interference Improves PHY Security for Cognitive Radio Networks | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY | 卷:11期:3页:609-620出版年:MAR 2016 | Zhang, H(Zhang, Hang);Wang, TY(Wang, Tianyu);Song, LY(Song, Lingyang);Han, Z(Han, Zhu) | 宋令阳 | SCI收录 |
Joint Beamforming with Low-resolution PSs for Millimetre-wave Communications | Electronics Letters | vol. 52, no. 18, pp. 1541–1543, September 2016 | Yue Dong, Chen Chen? and Ye Jin | 金野 | SCI收录 |
Joint User Pairing, Subchannel, and Power Allocation in Full-Duplex Multi-User OFDMA Networks | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 卷:15期:12页:8260-8272出版年:DEC 2016 | Di, BY(Di, Boya)[1];Bayat, S(Bayat, Siavash)[2];Song, LY(Song, Lingyang)[1];Li, YH(Li, Yonghui)[3];Han, Z(Han, Zhu)[4,5] | 宋令阳 | SCI收录 |
Laser pumped He-4 magnetometer with light shift suppression | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | 卷:87,期:11,文献号:115111,NOV,2016 | Zaisheng Lin, He Wang, Xiang Peng,a) Teng Wu, and Hong Guob) | 彭翔,郭弘 | SCI收录 |
Linear-regression-based approach for loss extraction from ring resonators | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 20 / October 15 2016 / P 4747-4750 | Q INGZHONG D ENG , 1 L U L IU , 1 X INBAI L I , 1 J URGEN M ICHEL , 2 AND Z HIPING Z HOU 1, * | 周治平 | SCI收录 |
Low-frequency shift Raman spectroscopy using atomic filters | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 22 / November 15 2016 P5397-5400 | XIAOBO XUE , COREY JANISCH , YIZHU CHEN , ZHIWEN LIU , AND JINGBIAO CHEN | 陈景标 | SCI收录 |
Manipulation of beat length and wavelength dependence of a polarization beam splitter using a subwavelength grating | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 21 / November 1 2016 P5126-5129 | LUL IU , Q INGZHONG D ENG , AND ZHIPING ZHOU * | 周治平 | SCI收录 |
MDM-TDM PON Utilizing Self-Coherent Detection-Based OLT and RSOA-Based ONU for High Power Budget | IEEE Photonics Journal | Vol. 8, No. 3, 7904207,June 2016 | Yuanxiang Chen, Juhao Li, Member, Peng Zhou, Paikun Zhu,Yu Tian, Zhongying Wu, Jinglong Zhu, Ke Liu, Dawei Ge,Jingbiao Chen, Yongqi He, and Zhangyuan Chen | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Mode splitting in high-index-contrast grating with mini-scale finite size | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 16, P3872-3875 August 15 2016 | ZHIXIN WANG, LIANGFU NI, HAIYANG ZHANG, HANXING ZHANG, JICHENG JIN, CHAO PENG,* AND WEIWEI HU | 彭超 | SCI收录 |
Multicell Multiuser Massive MIMO Transmission With Downlink Training and Pilot Contamination Precoding | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY | 卷:65期:8页:6301-6314出版年:AUG 2016 | Zuo, J(Zuo, Jun)[1];Zhang, J(Zhang, Jun)[2];Yuen, C(Yuen, Chau)[3];Jiang, W(Jiang, Wei)[1];Luo, W(Luo, Wu)[1] | 罗武 | SCI收录 |
Non-Gaussian postselection and virtual photon subtraction in continuous-variable quantum key distribution | Physical Review A | 卷:93期:1文献号:012310出版年:JAN 7 2016 | 李政宇,张一辰,王翔宇,徐兵杰,彭翔,郭弘 | 彭翔,郭弘 | SCI收录 |
Performance evaluation of multi-stratum resources optimization with network functions virtualization for cloud-based radio over optical fiber networks | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷:24期:8页:8666-8678出版年:APR 18 2016 | Yang, H(Yang, Hui)[1];He, YQ(He, Yongqi)[2];Zhang, J(Zhang, Jie)[1];Ji, YF(Ji, Yuefeng)[1];Bai, W(Bai, Wei)[1];Lee, Y(Lee, Young)[3] | SCI收录 | |
Phase Conjugated and Transparent Wavelength Conversions of Nyquist 16-QAM Signals Employing a Single-Layer Graphene Coated Fiber Device | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 卷:6文献号:22379出版年:MAR 2 2016 | Hu, X(Hu, Xiao);Zeng, MQ(Zeng, Mengqi);Long, Y(Long, Yun);Liu, J(Liu, Jun);Zhu, YX(Zhu, Yixiao);Zou, KH(Zou, Kaiheng);Zhang, F(Zhang, Fan);Fu, L(Fu, Lei);Wang, J(Wang, Jian) | SCI收录 | |
Quantification of MDL-induced signal degradation in MIMO-OFDM mode-division multiplexing systems | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 17 pp:18948-18959 22 Aug 2016 | Y U T IAN , J UHAO L I , * P AIKUN Z HU , Z HONGYING W U , Y UANXIANG C HEN,Y ONGQI H E , AND Z HANGYUAN C HEN | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Quantum Brownian motion model for the stock market | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS | 卷:452页:281-288出版年:JUN 15 2016 | Meng, XY(Meng, Xiangyi);Zhang, JW(Zhang, Jian-Wei);Guo, H(Guo, Hong) | 郭弘 | SCI收录 |
Radio Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Underlay Communication Using Hypergraph Theory | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 卷:15期:7页:4852-4861出版年:JUL 2016 | Zhang, HL(Zhang, Hongliang);Song, LY(Song, Lingyang);Han, Z(Han, Zhu) | 宋令阳 | SCI收录 |
Residential Load Scheduling in Smart Grid: A Cost Efficiency Perspective | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID | VOL. 7, NO. 2, MARCH 2016 p771-784 | Jinghuan Ma, He (Henry) Chen Lingyang Song | 宋令阳 | SCI收录 |
Resource allocation for 3D video transmission in LTE system based on fuzzy logic | IEICE Transactions on Communications | v E99B, n9, p 2099-2107, September 2016 | Fei Yongqiang, Zhao Yuping | 赵玉萍 | SCI收录 |
Roadmap on ultrafast optics | Journal of Optics | 2016 J. Opt. 18 093006 | Derryck T Reid, Christoph M Heyl, Robert R Thomson, Rick Trebino,Günter Steinmeyer, Helen H Fielding, Ronald Holzwarth,Zhigang Zhang, Pascal Del’Haye, Thomas Südmeyer, Gérard Mourou,Toshiki Tajima, Daniele Faccio, Frans J M Harren and Giulio Cerullo | SCI收录 | |
Robust polarization-insensitive strip-slot waveguide mode converter based on symmetric multimode interference | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 7, 4,P7347-7355, Apr 2016 | Qingzhong Deng,1 Qiaojing Yan,1 Lu Liu,1 Xinbai Li,1 Jurgen Michel,2 and Zhiping Zhou | 周治平 | SCI收录 |
Room-temperature near-infrared up-conversion lasing in single-crystal er-y chloride silicate nanowires | Scientific Reports | 6:34407 | DOI: 10.1038/srep34407(2016) | 叶蕊、许超、王兴军、崔积实 | 王兴军,周治平 | SCI收录 |
Self-phase modulation enabled, wavelength-tunable ultrafast fiber laser sources an energy scalable approach | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 14 11 Jul 2016 P15328-15340 | W EI L IU , 1,2 C HEN L I , 3 Z HIGANG Z HANG , 3 F RANZ X. K ?RTNER , 1,2,4 AND | SCI收录 | |
Sliding Window Aided Phase Noise Suppression Method for Coherent Nyquist-WDM-PON | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | VOL. 28, NO. 20, OCTOBER 15, 2016 P2229-2232 | Zhaopeng Xu, Zhongwei Tan and Chuanchuan Yang | 杨川川 | SCI收录 |
Spectrally efficient terabit optical transmission with Nyquist 64-QAM half-cycle subcarrier modulation and direct detection | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 12 June 15 2016 P2767-2770 | K AIHENG Z OU , Y IXIAO Z HU , F AN Z HANG ,* AND Z HANGYUAN C HEN | 张帆 | SCI收录 |
Sub-Channel Assignment, Power Allocation, and User Scheduling for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 卷:15期:11页:7686-7698出版年:NOV 2016 | Di, BY(Di, Boya)[1];Song, LY(Song, Lingyang)[1];Li, YH(Li, Yonghui)[2] | 宋令阳 | SCI收录 |
Subwavelength-grating-assisted broadband polarization-independent directional coupler | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 7 , P1648-1651, April 1 2016 | LU LIU, QINGZHONG DENG, AND ZHIPING ZHOU* | 周治平 | SCI收录 |
Time-Domain Least Square Channel Estimation for Polarization-Division-Multiplexed CO-OFDM/OQAM Systems | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | VOL. 34, NO. 3, P891-900, FEBRUARY 1, 2016 | Xi Fang, Yongchi Xu, Zhangyuan Chen, Member, IEEE, and Fan Zhang | 张帆 | SCI收录 |
Tunable optical bound states in the continuum beyond in-plane symmetry protection | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 卷:94,期:24, 245148, DEC 30 2016 | Ni, LF;Wang, ZX;Peng, C;Li, ZB | 彭超 | SCI收录 |
Tunable optical multicasting of PDM-OFDM signals by novel polarization-interleaved multi-pump FWM scheme | Optics Express | Vol. 24, No. 23 14 Nov 2016 pp:26344-26356 | Zhu, Paikun Li, Juhao Chen, Yuanxiang Zhou, Peng Chen, Zhangyuan He, Yongqi | 李巨浩 | SCI收录 |
Tunable rubidium excited state Voigt atomic optical filter | Optics Express | 卷:24期:6页:6088-6093出版年:MAR 21 2016 | Longfei Yin, Bin Luo, Junyu Xiong, and Hong Guo | 郭弘 | SCI收录 |
Ultracompact 100 Gbps coherent receiver monolithically integrated on silicon | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 卷:55期:4特刊:SI文献号:04EC04出版年:APR 2016 | Zhijuan Tu, Pan Gong, Zhiping Zhou*, and Xingjun Wang* | 周治平,王兴军 | SCI收录 |
Ultra-narrow linewidth optical filter based on Faraday effect at isotope Rb-87 420 nm transitions | PHYSICS LETTERS A | 卷:380,期:47,页:4022-4026,DEC 9 2016 | Bi, G;Kang, J;Fu, J;Ling, L;Chen, JB | SCI收录 | |
Unidirectional Coupling of Surface Plasmons Over a Broad-Angle Range Based on Joint Effects of Asymmetric Mode Excitation and Grating Resonance | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | VOL. 34, NO. 13, JULY 1, 2016 P3230-3235 | Dalin Liu, Anshi Xu, Senior Member, IEEE, Member, OSA, and Hongbin Li | 徐安士 | SCI收录 |
Propagation Channel Characterization, Parameter Estimation, and Modeling for Wireless Communications | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 9章 | X. Yin and 程翔 | ||
Cooperative OFDM Underwater Acoustic Communications | Springer | 7章 | Xilin Cheng, Liuqing Yang, and 程翔 | ||
基于AFM接触模式的假像分析 | 实验技术与管理 | 第33卷 第9期 2016年9月 p84-91 | 许超,李力 | 李力 | 其他收录 |
Ultrahigh resolution optical fiber strain sensor using dual Pound–Drever–Hall feedback loops | Optics Letters | Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 1066-1069 | Jiageng Chen, Qingwen Liu,* Xinyu Fan, and Zuyuan He | 刘庆文 | SCI收录 |
Laser phase noise compensation in long-range OFDR by using an optical fiber delay loop | Optics Communications | 365: 220-224 | Bin Wang, Xinyu Fan, Shuai Wang, Guangyao Yang, Qingwen Liu, Zuyuan He | 樊昕昱 | SCI收录 |
Long-Range Distributed Vibration Sensing Based on Phase Extraction from Phase-Sensitive OTDR | IEEE Photonics Journal | Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.1-12 | Guangyao Yang, Xinyu Fan, Shuai Wang, Bin Wang, Qingwen Liu, Zuyuan He | 樊昕昱 | SCI收录 |
Real-time locating and speed measurement of fibre fuse using optical frequency-domain reflectometry | Scientific Reports | 6:25585 | Shoulin Jiang, Lin Ma*, Xinyu Fan, Bin Wang, Zuyuan He | 马麟 | SCI收录 |
Transmission of IM/DD signals at 2μm wavelength using PAM and CAP | IEEE Photonics Journal | Vol. 8, No. 5 | Ke Xu, Lin Sun, Yongqiang Xie, Qinghai Song, Jiangbing Du, Zuyuan He | 杜江兵 | SCI收录 |
Multiband 3-Dimensional Carrierless Amplitude Phase Modulation for Short Reach Optical Communications | Journal of Lightwave Technology | Vol. 34, No. 13, pp. 3103-3109 | Lin Sun, Jiangbing Du, Zuyuan He | 杜江兵 | SCI收录 |
Highly sensitive and reconfigurable fiber optic current sensor by optical recirculating in a fiber loop | Optics Express | Vol. 24, No.16, pp. 17980-17988 | Jiangbing Du, Yemeng Tao, Yinping Liu, Lin Ma, Wenjia Zhang, Zuyuan He | 杜江兵 | SCI收录 |
Sub-Nano-Strain Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensor Array for Quasi-Static Strain Measurement | IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | Vol. 28, No. 21, pp. 2311-2314 | Jiageng Chen, Qingwen Liu, Xinyu Fan, and Zuyuan He | 刘庆文 | SCI收录 |
Investigation on the Stability of WSe2-PVA Saturable Absorber in an all PM Q-Switched Fiber Laser | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL | 卷: 8 期: 5 文献号: 1503612 | Guo Chaoshi, Chen Bohua, Wang Hao, Zhang Xiaoyan, Wang Jun, Wu Kan, Chen Jianping | 吴侃 | SCI收录 |
Tungsten diselenide Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser | Optical Engineering | v 55, n 8 | Chen Bohua, Zhang Xiaoyan, Guo Chaoshi, Wu Kan, Chen Jianping, Wang Jun | 吴侃 | SCI收录 |
Effects of the photonic sampling pulse width and the photodetection bandwidth on the channel response of photonic ADCs | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷: 24 期: 2 页: 924-934 | Su Feiran, Wu Guiling, Ye Lei, Liu Rui, Xue Xiang, Chen Jianping | 吴龟灵 | SCI收录 |
Fiber-optic radio frequency transfer based on passive phase noise compensation with frequency dividing and filtering | OPTICS LETTERS | 卷: 41 期: 3 页: 626-629 | Huang Rui, Wu Guiling, Li Hongwei, Chen Jianping | 吴龟灵 | SCI收录 |
Photonic analog-to-digital conversion with equivalent analog prefiltering by shaping sampling pulses | OPTICS LETTERS | 卷: 41 期: 12 页: 2779-2782 | Su Feiran, Wu Guiling, Chen Jianping | 吴龟灵 | SCI收录 |
High-Precision Ultralong Distance Time Transfer Using Single-Fiber Bidirectional-Transmission Unidirectional Optical Amplifiers | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL | 卷: 8 期: 5 文献号: 7804408 | Zhang Hao, Wu Guiling, Li Hongwei, Li Xinwan, Chen Jianping | 吴龟灵 | SCI收录 |
Linearity Measurement and Pulse Amplitude Modulation in a Silicon Single-Drive Push-Pull Mach-Zehnder Modulator | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | 卷: 34 期: 14 页: 3323-3329 | Zhou Yanyang, Zhou Linjie, Su Feiran, Li Xinwan, Chen Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
Tunable spiral Bragg gratings in 60-nm-thick silicon-on-insulator strip waveguides | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷: 24 期: 12 页: 12831-12839 | Zou Zhi, Zhou Linjie, Wang Minjuan, Wu Kan, Chen Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
16 x 16 non-blocking silicon optical switch based on electro-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometers | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷: 24 期: 9 页: 9295-9307 | Lu Liangjun, Zhao Shuoyi, Zhou Linjie, Li Dong, Li Zuxiang, Wang Minjuan, Li Xinwan, Chen Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
Flexible nanofiber-coupled hybrid plasmonic Bragg grating | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷: 24 期: 9 页: 9316-9324 | Liu Sheng, Zhou Linjie, Xu Jian, Wang Xinyi, Chen Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
Modeling and optimization of a single-drive push-pull silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator | PHOTONICS RESEARCH | Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Pages: 153-161 | Zhou Yanyang, Zhou Linjie, Zhu Haike, Wong Chiyan, Wen Yida, Liu Lei, Li Xinwan, Chen Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
4 x 4 nonblocking optical switch fabric based on cascaded multimode interferometers | PHOTONICS RESEARCH | 卷: 4 期: 1 页: 21-26 | Li Zuxiang, Zhou Linjie, Lu Liangjun, Zhao Shuoyi, Li Dong, Chen Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
16x16 silicon Mach-Zehnder interferometer switch actuated with waveguide microheaters | PHOTONICS RESEARCH | 卷: 4 期: 5 页: 202-207 | Shuoyi Zhao, Liangjun Lu, Linjie Zhou, Dong Li, Zhanzhi Guo, Jianping Chen | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
Linearity characterization of a dual-parallel silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL | 卷: 8 期: 6 页: 1-8 | Zhou, Yanyang Zhou, Linjie Wang, Minjuan Xia, Yujie Zhong, Yiming Li, Xinwan Chen, Jianping | 周林杰 | SCI收录 |
All-optical central-frequency-programmable and bandwidth-tailorable radar | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 卷: 6 文献号: 19786 | Zou Weiwen, Zhang Hao, Long Xin, Zhang Siteng, Cui Yuanjun, Chen Jianping | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
Compensation of multi-channel mismatches in high-speed high-resolution photonic analogto-digital converter | OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, No. 21 Pages: 24061- 24074 | GUANG YANG, WEIWEN ZOU,LEI YU, KAN WU, AND JIANPING CHEN | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
All-optical pulse compression of broadband microwave signal based on stimulated Brillouin scattering | OPTICS EXPRESS | 卷: 24 期: 5 页: 5162-5171 | Long Xin, Zou Weiwen, Chen Jianping | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
Ultrafast FBG Interrogator Based on Time-Stretch Method | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 卷: 28 期: 7 页: 778-781 | Lei Meng, Zou Weiwen, Li Xing, Chen Jianping | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
Optical Pulse Compression Reflectometry Based on Double Sideband Modulation | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 卷: 28 期: 7 页: 798-801 | Yu Lei, Zou Weiwen, Chen Jianping | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
Optical pulse compression reflectometry based on single-sideband modulator driven by electrical frequency-modulated pulse | OPTICS Communications | 卷: 367 页: 155-160 | Zou Weiwen, Yu Lei,Yang Shuo, Chen Jianping | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
Maximizing the security of chaotic optical communications | Optics Express | vol.24,no.20,pp.23439-23449 | T.T. Hou, L.L. Yi, X.L. Yang, J.X. Ke, Y. Hu, Q. Yang, P. Zhou, W.S. Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
100-Gb/s TWDM-PON based on 10G Optical Devices | Optics Express | vol.24,no.12,pp.12941-12948 | Zhengxuan Li,Lilin Yi, Honglin Ji and Weisheng Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
Transmission of 2×56 Gb/s PAM-4 signal over 100 km standard single-mode fiber using 18 GHz DMLs | Optics Letters | vol.41,no.8,pp.1805 | Shiwei Zhou, Xiang Li,Lilin Yi, Qi Yang, Songnian Fu | SCI收录 | |
Fabrication and application of a graphene polarizer with strong saturable absorption | Photonics Research | vol.4,no.2,pp.41 | Weixiong Li,Lilin Yi, Ran Zheng, Zhenghua Ni, and Weisheng Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
Polarization-independent rectangular microwave photonic filter based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (Invited) | Journal of Lightwave Technology | vol. 34,no.2,pp.669-675 | Lilin Yi, Wei Wei, Yves Jaouen, Mengyue Shi, Bing Han, Michel Morvan, Weisheng Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
Design and performance evaluation of narrowband rectangular optical filter based on stimulated Brillouin scatteringin fiber(Invited) | Photonic Network Communications | vol.31,no.2,pp.336-344 | Lilin Yi, Wei Wei, Mengyue Shi, Yves Jaouen, Weisheng Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
Software-defined microwave photonic filter with high reconfigurable resolution | Scientific Reports | Vol. 6, 35621 | Wei Wei,Lilin Yi, Yves Jaouen, Weisheng Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
Field demonstration of a real-time 100-Gb/s PON based on 10G-class optical devices | IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology | DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2016.2633482 | Honglin Ji, Lilin Yi, Zhengxuan Li, Lei Xue, Xiang Li, Qi Yang, Suyi Wang, Ying Yang, Shaohua Yu, Weisheng Hu | 义理林 | SCI收录 |
Chaotic Encryption Algorithm Against Chosen-Plaintext Attacks in Optical OFDM Transmission | IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | 28(22), pp. 2499-2502 | X. Yang, Z. Shen, X. Hu and W. Hu, | 杨学林 | SCI收录 |
Secure Transmission of Optical DFT-S-OFDM Data Encrypted by Digital Chaos | IEEE Photonics Journal | 8(3), 1-9 | Z.Shen, X.Yang, X. Hu, H.He, W.Hu | 杨学林 | SCI收录 |
Channel estimation algorithm for interference suppression in IMDD–OQAM–OFDM transmission systems | Optics Communications | 364: 129-133, 2016 | LuZhang, ShilinXiao, MeihuaBi, LingLiu, & Zhao Zhou | 肖石林 | SCI收录 |
Programmable long-period grating in a liquid core optical fiber | Opt. Lett. | 41(20): 4763–4766, 2016 | Tao QI, Yongmin Jung, Limin Xiao, Jie Wang, Shilin Xiao, Chao Lu, Hwa Yaw Tam, and Anna C. Peacock | SCI收录 | |
Comparison Study of Long-haul 100-Gb/s DDO-OFDM and CO-OFDM WDM Systems | Journal of the Optical Society of Korea | 20(5), 2016 | Ling Liu, Shilin Xiao, Meihua Bi, Lu Zhang | 肖石林 | SCI收录 |
Power-efficient Protection with Directed p-Cycles for Asymmetric Traffic in Elastic Optical Networks | J. Lightwave Technol. | 34(17): 4053-4065, 2016 | Min Ju, Fen Zhou, Shilin Xiao, and Zuqing Zhu | SCI收录 | |
Distance-adaptive,Low CAPEX Cost p-Cycle Design without Candidate Cycle Enumeration in Mixed-Line-Rate Optical Networks | J. Lightwave Technol. | 34(11): 2663-2676, 2016 | Min Ju, Fen Zhou, Zuqing Zhu, and Shilin Xiao | SCI收录 | |
Directly modulated laser-based optical radio frequency self-interference cancellation system | OPTICAL ENGINEERING | 55(2): 026116 | Shaojie Zhang, Shilin Xiao, Yunhao Zhang, Hanlin Feng, Lu Zhang, Zhao Zhou | 肖石林 | SCI收录 |
Power Depletion and Crosstalk Induced by Stimulated Raman Scattering in WDM Fronthaul | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | Volume: 28 Issue: 10 Pages: 1069-1072 | Li, Jun; He, Hao; Hu, Weisheng | 胡卫生 | SCI收录 |
BLOC: A Generic Resource Allocation Framework for Hybrid Packet/Circuit-Switched Networks | JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: 689-700 | Feng, Zhangxiao; Sun, Weiqiang; Hu, Weisheng | 孙卫强 | SCI收录 |
Routing and spectrum allocation in multi-ring based data center networks | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | Volume: 360 Pages: 25-34 | Zhang, Zitian; Hu, Weisheng; Ye, Tong; et al. | 胡卫生 | SCI收录 |
Modulational instability of polarization of light in a periodically poled lithium niobate chip | Optical Engineering | 55(1), 017105 (2016) | Ping Hu, Kun Liu, and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Efficient microfluidic photocatalysis in a symmetrical metal-cladding waveguide | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 18, 4585—4588 (2016) | Shu Zhu, Hailang Dai, Bei Jiang, Zhenhua Shen and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Optically induced transparency in a micro-cavity | Light: Science & Applications | 5, e16072 (2016) | Yuanlin Zheng, Jianfan Yang, Zhenhua Shen, Jianjun Cao, Xianfeng Chen, Xiaogan Liang and Wenjie Wan | 万文杰,陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Nonlinear Cherenkov radiation at the interface of two different nonlinear media | Optics Express | 24(12), 12825-12830(2016) | Xiaohui Zhao, Yuanlin Zheng, Huaijin Ren, Ning An, Xuewei Deng, and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Random lasing at the edge of a TiO2 nanotube thin film | Applied Optics | 55(19), 5091-5094(2016) | Shu Zhu, Zhenhua Shen, Bei Jiang, and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Nonlinear Raman-Nath second harmonic generation with structured fundamental wave | Optics Express | 24(12), 15666-15671(2016) | Haigang Liu, Jun Li, Xiaohui Zhao, Yuanlin Zheng, and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Concentric Circular Grating Generated by the Patterning Trapping of Nanoparticles in an Optofluidic Chip | Scientific Reports | 6, 32018(2016) | Hailang Dai, Zhuangqi Cao, Yuxing Wang, Honggen Li, Minghuang Sang, Wen Yuan, Fan Chen and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Scattering-assisted second harmonic generation of structured fundamental wave | OpticsExpress | 24(21), 24137-24142(2016) | Haigang Liu, Jun Li, Xiangling Fang, Xiaohui Zhao, Yuanlin Zheng and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Making few-layer graphene photoluminescent by UV ozonation |
Optics Material Express | 6(11), 3527-3540(2016) | Ziyu Zhang, Haihua Tao, Hoa Li, Guqiao Ding Zhenghua Ni and Xianfeng Chen | 陈险峰 | SCI收录 |
Dual-output modulation in time-wavelength interleaved photonic analog-to-digital converter based on actively mode-locked laser | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 卷: 14 期: 3 文献号: 030602 | Zhang, Huajie; Zou, Weiwen; Yang, Guang; Chen Jianping | 邹卫文 | SCI收录 |
链路时延波动对光纤时间传递稳定性的影响 | 激光与光电子学进展 | 2016年04期 | 江少平; 张浩; 姜文宁; 吴龟灵; 陈建平 | 吴龟灵 | EI收录 |
时间波长交织光模数转换幅度校正方法 | 中国激光 | 2016年05期 | 叶雷; 吴龟灵; 苏斐然; 陈建平 | 吴龟灵 | EI收录 |
Application of SOI microring coupling modulation in microwave photonic phase shifters | Frontiers Optoelectron. | 2016年09期 | Rui Yang,Linjie Zhou,Minjuan Wang,Haike Zhu,Jianping Chen | 周林杰 | EI收录 |
面向光印刷电路板的聚合物光波导制备及性能研究 | 光学学报 | 第36卷,第6期 | 徐晓,马麟,张文甲,杜江兵,何祖源 | 马麟 | EI收录 |
基于移频环路扩频的新型宽带扫频光源 | 中国激光 | Vol.43, No.5, 0505004 | 李露,杜江兵,徐长鑫,孙林,李佳熊,何祖源 | 杜江兵 | EI收录 |
超长距离高精度光纤双向时间传递 | 科技导报 | 2016年16期(特邀论文) | 吴龟灵; 陈建平 | 吴龟灵 | 其他收录 |
基于MPF的无模式跳跃光电振荡器 | 光通信技术 | 2016年04期 | 蒋琛彦; 姜媛媛; 邹卫文; 张昊; 李曙光; 陈建平 | 邹卫文 | 其他收录 |
X波段内可调的半导体激光器锁频方案与实现 | 光通信技术 | 2016年04期 | 梁春辉; 姜媛媛; 李曙光; 姜文宁; 邹卫文; 陈建平 | 邹卫文 | 其他收录 |
基于光环形技术的高精度光纤电流传感器 | 光通信技术 | Vol.40, No.9, pp. 30-32 | 陶冶梦,杜江兵,马麟,徐长鑫,刘银萍,何祖源 | 杜江兵,马麟 | 其他收录 |
基于DD-MZM自干扰消除的带内全双工光载无线系统 | 光通信技术 | 40(5): 1002-5561,2016 | 俞映红,肖石林,张云昊,张少杰,冯翰林,周钊 | 肖石林 | 其他收录 |
Off-resonant nonlinear optical refraction properties of azo dye doped nematic liquid crystals | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS | 卷: 6 期: 2 页: 459-465 | Hongjin Li, Jianhao Wang, Changshun Wang, Pengfei Zeng, Peng Cai, Yujia Pan, Yifei Yang | 王长顺 | SCI收录 |
Enhanced diffraction properties of photoinduced gratings in nematic liquid crystals doped with Disperse Red 1 | PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES B-PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | 卷: 92 期: 8 页: 330-335 | Hongjing Li, Jianhao Wang, Changshun Wang, Pengfei Zeng, Yujia Pan and Yifei Yang | 王长顺 | SCI收录 |
Si nanowire phototransistors at telecommunication wavelengths by plasmon-enhanced two-photon absorption | Optics Express | 24 (2016) pp.4601-4609 | H.Siampour, Y. Dan | 但亚平 | SCI收录 |
High-performance silicon nanowire bipolar phototransistors | Appl. Phys. Lett. | 109 (2016) 033505 | Siew Li Tan, Xingyan Zhao, Kaixiang Chen, Kenneth B. Crozier, Yaping Dan | 但亚平 | SCI收录 |
Uncovering the density of nanowire surface trap states hidden in the transient photoconductance | Nanoscale | 8 (2016) 15934-15938 | Xu Qiang, Yaping Dan | 但亚平 | SCI收录 |
Invisibility Cloak Printed on a Photonic Chip | Scientific Reports | 6, 28527 | Zhen Feng, Bing-Hong Wu, Yu-Xi Zhao, Jun Gao, Lu-Feng Qiao, Ai-Lin Yang, Xiao-Feng Lin, and Xian-Min Jin | 金贤敏 | SCI收录 |
Non-classical photon correlation in a tw o-dimensional photonic lattice | Optics Express | 24, 12607-12616 | J. Gao, L.-F. Qiao, X.-F. Lin, Z.-Q. Jiao, Z. Feng, Z. Zhou, Z.-W. Gao, X.-Y. Xu, Y. Chen, H. Tang, and Xian-Min Jin*, | 金贤敏 | SCI收录 |
Quantum Correlations from the Conditional Statistics of Incomplete Data | Physical Review Letters | 117, 083601 | J. Sperling, T. J. Bartley, G. Donati, M. Barbieri, Xian-Min Jin, A. Datta, W. Vogel, and I. A. Walmsley | SCI收录 | |
Tunable multispectral plasmon induced transparency based on graphene metamaterials | Opt. Express | 24, 11466 | Chen Sun, Jiangnan Si, Zhewei Dong, Xiaoxu Deng | 邓晓旭 | SCI收录 |
Self-deformation in a direct current helium jet micro discharge | Phys.Plasma | 23, 010701 | Shaofeng Xu, Xiaoxia Zhong | 钟晓霞 | SCI收录 |
The influence of discharge capillary size, distance and gas compostion on the non-equilibrium state of microplasma | Plasma Process. Polym. | 13 (7): 690 | Asif Majeed, Xiaoxia Zhong, Shaofeng Xu, Uros Cvelbar, Zhengming Sheng | 钟晓霞 | SCI收录 |
Neutral gas temperature maps of the pin-to-plate argon micro discharge into the ambient air | Physics of Plasma | B209: 60 | B.B. Wang ,B. Gao, X. X. Zhong, R. W. Shao, K. Zheng | 钟晓霞 | SCI收录 |
Field demonstration of a continuous-variable quantum key distribution network | Optics Letters | 41(15): 003511 | Huang D., Huang P., Li H. S., Wang T., Zhou Y. M., Zeng G. H. | 曾贵华 | SCI收录 |
Continuous-variable quantum identity authentication based on quantum teleportation | Quantum Information Processing | 15(6): 2605 | Ma H. X., Huang P., Bao W. S., Zeng G. H. | 黄鹏 | SCI收录 |
Practical continuous-variable quantum key distribution without finite sampling bandwidth effects | Opt. Express | 24(18): 020481 | Huasheng Li, Chao Wang, Peng Huang, Duan Huang, Tao Wang, and Guihua Zeng | 黄鹏,曾贵华 | SCI收录 |
Continuous-variable quantum key distribution based on a plug-and-play dual-phase-modulated coherent states protocol | Physical Review A | 94: 032305 | Duan Huang, Peng Huang, Tao Wang, Huasheng Li, Yingming Zhou, Guihua Zeng | 黄鹏,曾贵华 | SCI收录 |
Practical security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with finite sampling bandwidth effects | Physical Review A | 93(2): 022315 | Chao Wang, Peng Huang, Duan Huang, Dakai Lin, Guihua Zeng | 黄鹏,曾贵华 | SCI收录 |
Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution by controlling excess noise | Scientific Reports | 6: 19201 | Duan Huang, Peng Huang, Dakai Lin, Guihua Zeng | 黄鹏,曾贵华 | SCI收录 |
Ultra-small time-delay estimation via weak measurement technique with postselection | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS | 49,17,175501 | Fang Chen,Jing-Zheng Huang,Yang Yu,Qinzheng LiandGuihua Zeng | 曾贵华 | SCI收录 |
Thermal light ghost imaging based on morphology | Optics Communications | pp. 63-71 | Zhipeng Chen,Jianhong Shi, Guihua Zeng | 石剑虹 | SCI收录 |
Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent multipartite quantum communication | Physical Review A | 93, 022325 | Yadong Wu, Jian Zhou, Xinbao Gong, Ying Guo, Zhi-Ming Zhang, and Guangqiang He | 何广强 | SCI收录 |
Performance Improvement of Two-way Quantum Key Distribution by Using a Heralded Noiseless Amplifier | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | 55:2199–2211 | Chenyang Li, Ruihang Miao, Xinbao Gong, Ying Guo, Guangqiang He | 何广强 | SCI收录 |
Improving Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution Using the Heralded Noiseless Linear Amplifier with Source in the Middle | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | 55:1156–1166 | Jianwu Liang, Jian Zhou, Jinjing Shi, Guangqiang He, Ying Guo | SCI收录 | |
Ultra-compact and highly efficient silicon polarization splitter and rotator | APL Photonics | 1卷9期6页 | 张永,何宇,姜新红,刘博宇,邱辞源,苏翼凯,Richard A. Soref | 苏翼凯 | SCI收录 |
Multiband Ultra-wideband signal generation with quadrupled capacity by a single modulator | IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. | 28卷16期4页 | 彭继宗,曹攀,姜新红,刘博宇,邱辞源,张永,刘瑞丽,Christine Tremblay,苏翼凯 | 邱辞源 | SCI收录 |
Wavelength and bandwidth-tunable silicon comb filter based on Sagnac loop mirrors with Mach-Zehnder interferometer couplers | Optics Express | 24卷3期 | 姜新红,吴佳旸,杨玉星,潘听,毛俊明,刘博宇,刘瑞丽,张永,邱辞源,Christine Tremblay,苏翼凯 | 苏翼凯 | SCI收录 |
Nonvolatile and tunable switching of lateral photo-voltage triggered by laser and electric pulse in metal dusted metal-oxide-emiconductor structures | Scientific Reports | 6,32015 | 周沛奇、甘志凯、黄旭、刘帅、梅春练、夏宇兴、王辉 | 王辉 | SCI收录 |
Potential superiority of p-type silicon based MOS structures over n-type for lateral photovoltaic effects | IEEE Electron Device Letters | 37,18,1018 | 黄旭、梅春练、胡洁琼、郑棣元、甘志凯、周沛奇、王辉 | 王辉 | SCI收录 |
Using Laser to Modulate a Linear Resistance Change in Cu2O/Si Heteroepitaxial Junction | Applied Physics letters | 109,03,1106 | 甘志凯、张彪、周沛奇、黄旭、梅春练、王辉 | 王辉 | SCI收录 |
Using Electric Pulse and Laser to Trigger a Sharp and Nonvolatile Change of Lateral Photovoltage in Nano-Carbon Film | Applied Physics letters | 108,13,1111 | 甘志凯、周沛奇、黄旭、梅春练、张科、王辉 | 王辉 | SCI收录 |
Localized surface plasmon resonances dominated giant lateral photovoltaic effect observed in ZnO/Ag/Si nanostructure | Scientific Reports | 6,22906 | 张科、王辉、甘志凯、周沛奇、梅春练、黄旭、夏宇兴 | 王辉 | SCI收录 |
Gap plasmon resonator arrays for unidirectional launching and shaping of surface plasmon polaritons | Applied Physics Letters | 108:161105 | 雷泽雨 | 杨天 | SCI收录 |
Plasmonic Crystal Cavity on Single-Mode Optical Fiber End Facet for Label-Free Biosensing | Applied Physics Letters | 108:231105 | 贺晓龙 | 杨天 | SCI收录 |
Reproducible Ultrahigh SERS Enhancement in Single Deterministic Hotspots Using Nanosphere-Plane Antennas Under Radially Polarized Excitation | Scientific Reports | 6:33218 | 龙婧 | 杨天 | SCI收录 |
Suppressing nonradiative transition of luminescent materials using phononic cavity | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | 3,5,Article Number: 055015 | Sun, Lu; Jiang, Chun | 姜淳 | SCI收录 |
Quantum interference in a single anisotropic quantum dot near hyperbolic metamaterials | OPTICS EXPRESS | 24, 7, 7719-7727 | Sun, Lu; Jiang, Chun | 姜淳 | SCI收录 |
Optical parametric mixer-based passive phase correction for stable transfer of millimeter waves | OSA Optics Letters | pp4574-4577, Vol. 41, No. 19 | Xiaojie Guo,1 Xiaocheng Wang,2 Zhaohui Li,1,* And Yi Dong2 | SCI收录 | |
Photonic generation of phase-stable and wideband chirped microwave signals based on phase-locked dual optical frequency combs | OSA Optics Letters | pp3787-3790, Vol. 41, No. 16 | Yitian Tong, Qian Zhou, Daming Han, Baiyu Li, Weilin Xie, Zhangweiyi Liu, Jie Qin, Xiaochengwang,Yi Dong,* And Weisheng Hu | 董毅 | SCI收录 |
Fourier transform-limited optical frequency-modulated continuous-wave interferometry over several tens of laser coherence lengths | OSA Optics Letters | pp2962-2965, Vol. 41, No. 13 | Weilin Xie, Qian Zhou, Fabien Bretenaker, Zongyang Xia, Hongxiao Shi, Jie Qin, Yi Dong,* And Weisheng Hu | 董毅 | SCI收录 |
Fast Spectrum Analysis for an OFDR Using the FFT and SCZT Combination Approach | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | VOL. 28, NO. 6 | [4]. Cheng Ma, Qian Zhou, Jie Qin, Weilin Xie, Yi Dong*, and Weisheng Hu | 董毅 | SCI收录 |
Generation of Sub-60 fs Similaritons at 1.6 μ m From an All-Fiber Er-doped Laser | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | 34,17, 4127-4133 | Zhiqiang Wang,Li Zhan, Xiao Fang, Caixia Gao, and Kai Qian | 詹黎 | SCI收录 |
Tunable bistability in hybrid Brillouin – erbium single-frequency fiber laser with saturable absorber | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICS SOCIETY OF AMERICA B | 33, 8, 1635-1639 | Tantan Wang,LIANG ZHANG,CHENG FENG,MINGLEI QIN, AND LI ZHAN | 詹黎 | SCI收录 |
Sub-90 fs dissipative-soliton Erbium-doped fiber lasers operating at 1.6 μm band | OPTICS EXPRESS | 24, 10, 1153-1156 | Zhiqiang Wang,Kai Qian, Xiao Fang, Caixia Gao, Hao Luo, and Li Zhan | 詹黎 | SCI收录 |
Dynamics and limitations of superluminal propagation based on long-cavity Brillouin fiber lasing oscillation | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICS SOCIETY OF AMERICA B | 33, 5, 989-995 | Minglei Qin, LIANG ZHANG,TANTAN WANG, AND LI ZHAN | 詹黎 | SCI收录 |
Principle and applications of semiconductor optical amplifiers-based turbo-switches | Frontiers of Optoelectronics | 2016, 9(3): 346-352 | Xuelin YANG and Weisheng HU | 杨学林 | EI收录 |
Physical Layer Encryption Algorithm for Chaotic Optical OFDM Transmission against Chosen-Plaintext Attacks | International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) | We.D1.5 | X.Yang, Z.Shen, X. Hu, W.Hu | 杨学林 | EI收录 |
Polarization conversions of diffractive wave plates based on orthogonal circular-polarization holography | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 卷: 14 期: 1 文献号: 010009 | Peng Cai, Jianhao Wang, Changshun Wang, Pengfei Zeng, Hongjin Li | 王长顺 | SCI收录 |
Weak value amplification via second-order correlated technique | CHINESE PHYSICS B | 25,2,020301 | Ting Cui, Jing-Zheng Huang, Xiang Liu, Gui-Hua Zeng | SCI收录 | |
High-extinction-ratio silicon polarization beam splitter with tolerance to waveguide width and coupling length variations | Optics Express | 24卷6期8页 | 张永,何宇,吴佳旸,姜新红,刘瑞丽,邱辞源,姜小青,杨建一,Christine Tremblay,苏翼凯 | SCI收录 |