
发布日期 :10/11/2024 15:47:17 阅读次数:52

论文序号 论文名称 通信作者 期刊名称 年、卷、期、页 研究方向
1 Direct Observation of Dynamically Localized Quantum Optical States 王长顺,金贤敏 Physical Review Letters 2022, 129:17: 173602 光电子器件
2 Regulating optical activity and anisotropic second-harmonic generation in zero-dimensional hybrid copper halides 王长顺,朱熹,贺廷超 Nano Letters 2022, 22: 846-852 光电子器件
3 Fully Integrated Solid-State LiDAR Transmitter on a Multi-Layer Silicon-Nitride-on-Silicon Photonic Platform 陆梁军 Optical Fiber Communication Conference(康宁杰出学生论文奖) 2022, Th1E.4 光电子器件
4 Topological protection of continuous frequency entangled biphoton states 姜淳 NANOPHOTONICS 2022, 10:16 光电子器件
5 Direct Observation of Dynamically Localized Quantum Optical States 金贤敏 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2022, 129:173602 光量子芯片
6 Generating Haar-Uniform Randomness Using Stochastic Quantum Walks on a Photonic Chip 金贤敏 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2022;128:50503 光量子芯片
7 Inhibition and Reconstruction of Zener Tunneling in Photonic Honeycomb Lattices 金贤敏 ADVANCED MATERIALS 2022;34:2110044 光量子芯片
8 Intelligent certification for quantum simulators via machine learning 曾贵华 npj Quantum Information 2022;8:138 量子传感
9 Ultra-compact topological photonic switch based on valley-vortex-enhanced high-efficiency phase shift 苏翼凯 Light: Science & Applications vol. 11, no. 292, 2022;11:292:1-9 光电子器件
10 Asymmetric topological valley edge states on silicon-on-insulator platform 苏翼凯 Laser & Photonics Reviews 2022:2100631 光电子器件
11 Broadband and Fabrication Tolerant Power Coupling and Mode-Order Conversion using Thouless Pumping Mechanism 孙璐,苏翼凯 Laser & Photonics Reviews 2022;16:11: 2200354, 光电子器件
12 Metamaterial enabled arbitrary on-chip spatial mode manipulation 郭旭涵,苏翼凯 Light: Science & Applications 2022;11:168 光电子器件
13 On-chip metamaterial enabled wavelength (de)multiplexer 郭旭涵 Laser & Photonics Reviews 2022;2200005:1-7 光电子器件
14 Self-induced transparency in a perfectly absorbing chiral second-harmonic generator 万文杰 PhotoniX 2022;3:1:1-13 光电子器件方向
15 Exceptional points with memory in a microcavity Brillouin laser 万文杰 Optica 2022;9:9:971-979 光电子器件方向
16 Two-dimensional Thouless pumping of light in photonic moiré lattices 叶芳伟 Nature Communications 2022;13:6738 光传输
17 Observation of flat-band and band transition in the synthetic space 袁璐琦,陈险峰 Advanced Photonics 2022;4:3: 036002 光电子器件方向
18 Sub-femtometer-resolution absolute spectroscopy with sweeping electro-optic combs 樊昕昱 Opto-Electronic Advances 2022;5:12:210023 光纤传感
19 High-speed silicon microring modulator at the 2 μm waveband with analysis and observation of optical bistability 杜江兵 Photonics Research 2022;10:3 光电子器件
20 Silicon mode-loop Mach-Zehnder modulator with L-shaped PN junction for 0.37 V·cm VπL high-efficiency modulation 杜江兵 Photonics Research 2022;10:1 光电子器件
21 Comb-based photonic neural population for parallel and nonlinear processing 邹卫文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2022;10:1 光电子器件方向
22 Fully integrated hybrid microwave photonic receiver 邹卫文 PHOTONICS RESEARCH 2022;10:6 光电子器件方向
23 A meta-learning-assisted training framework for physical layer modeling in optical networks 诸葛群碧 Journal of Lightwave Technology 2022;40:9: 2684-2695 光网络
24 Carrier-Assisted Phase Retrieval 胡卫生 Journal of Lightwave Technology 2022;40:16:5583-5596 光传输
25 End-to-End Deep Learning for Long-haul Fiber Transmission Using Differentiable Surrogate Channel 义理林 Journal of Lightwave Technology 2022;40:9: 2807-2822 光传输