



2015年博士毕业于电子科技大学通信学院,现为电子科技大学信息与通信学院副教授,研究方向为非线性光学、集成光学、超快光学等。已在Light: Science and Applications, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Physical Review Letters 等学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文20余篇,承担或主研包括国家自然科学基金、国家863、 军委科技委等科研项目。2017年入选电子科技大学“基础研究星火计划”。


Kerr Frequency Comb in Microcavities: Fundamental and Application

The invention of optical frequency combs, which was celebrated by the 2005 Nobel prize in Physics, has made great impacts on precision metrology, optical clockwork, molecular fingerprinting, amongst others. Recent advances in high finesse Kerr-active microresonators have provided a promising platform for study of cavity nonlinear dynamics and offered a reliable route towards the vision of  chip-scale ultrashort pulses and frequency combs. Chip-scale optical frequency comb will become more instrumental in areas where compact footprint, low power consumption, large comb spacing, and access to unconventional spectral region are essential. In this talk, I will first introduce a new mechanism for achieving mode-locking of Kerr frequency combs in a normal dispersion microresonator; second, I will discuss our work on eliminating the cavity thermal perturbations from the generation dynamics of dissipative Kerr solitons; finally I will present our recent experiment that achieved nonlocal locking of two 19.6 GHz spacing Kerr soliton microcombs over metropolitan distance, which are exploited to achieve substantial saving of digital signal process operands for multi-channel coherent data receiving.

Supported by National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFA0307400), the NFSC grant 61705033, and the 111 project (B14039), and HUAWEI company contract YBN2018095013.



时间:  5月16日(星期四)上午10:00
